Relax…Crime is Down…Believe at Your Own Risk

So rarely do I put much relevance into what any politician might spew out…Everybody hates everybody and the majority of everything said is a some variance of a truth. Most spewing is irrelavant and doesn’t effect one’s life. My father taught me long ago you can spin any statistic and take any snippit out of a conversation and remake something that sounds totally and completely different. HOWEVER…as I continue to watch this narrative that “crime is down”…I must ask myself if I am living in an alternate reality??? It is so far in left field it has got to stop.

Does anyone out there truly really believe this? Crimes is down?? It is such a laughable lie I would be ashamed to be associated with anyone even saying it. Of course crime is down because there aren’t enough police to field or take calls, most is unreported, and what does get reported is not even filed because so many agencies are not even filing charges. It should be criminal to go to this level of ridiculous and make such a bold lie….can you possibly insult the average American any more than this?

Just this last week I personally know of a purse theft and gun theft that went unreported because police refused to show up and just take a report. The gun was then used in an armed robbery…yet nothing reported because they are “yet to catch the suspect”. The purse had numerous checks written on it but “no crime committed” because the DA is not currently prosecuting those crimes. Three crimes in one…yet nothing a crime…crime is down…of course crime is down. Cruise around in Denver…you can OBVIOUSLY see crime is down..LOL. I can only imagine how much crime is unreported….just open your eyes and look/listen ANYWHERE in the US and it would be impossible to think “crime is down”.

I learned first hand after four 911 calls on Prairie were never even responded to or followed up on this was far bigger than a statistic. No Show..No Call…Nothing…Nada. Two were life threatening issues and nothing…so of course there is less crime…nothing to see here. If you don’t have the staff and your enforcement (DA) is not prosecuting than the numbers will look great on paper. While all politicians lie and tell you what you need to hear….this lie is over the top for me. At least keep the B.S. somewhat believable.

If you walk around and think “crime is down”….you better keep an eye over your shoulder…you will quickly find out the reality. Businesses and citizens should be revolting over these anti-crime policies that were put in place. Safety should be everyone’s number one right/concern no matter any political belief… rational honest person can possibly believe it is “safer” out there today than pre covid so stop the lies and stop insulting basic intelligence….even a dumb one like me can figure this out. The world is a great place and crime is down…just relax and have a drink. Crime is down..crime is down. Believe at your own risk.

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Bullseye Liquidators

