In-Store Sale Date


***Next Sale Dates: Friday April 4th, Saturday April 5th, & Sunday April 6th**

STORE PACKED....$3/$2/$1 Format....HUGE Load Furniture.  9a-4p

~~~~LOCATION:  1712 W. 29th St  Pueblo CO~~~~

Follow On Facebook:  "Bullseye Pueblo CO Estate Sales" 

Watch Website & Facebook For Updates

Online Auctions

~~Superb Estate Liquidations~~

**WED 04/09 ~~Coins + Bustamante' Estate~~QUALITY**

**WED 04/16~~HUGE R. Vincent Estate~~NICE**

~~The Amazing Catalogs of 2025 Continue At BumbleBee~~

COMING SOON....Watch Website & Link Below...TY!


The Story of Bullseye

As you know Bullseye~BumbleBee was quite a journey for a couple small town high school sweethearts.  Glen & Becki both put themselves through college "horse trading" junk and working auctions since High School.  After 10+yrs in the "corporate world" everything changed in 2008 as they got wiped out so with a $5kloan from Big Al (glens dad) some 15+ Years Ago The Bullseye as we know it was born.  The journey started out as Home LIquidators on Santa Fe Drive in the County in an old run down liqour store building.  After a four+ year stint there it was off to Pueblo West and back into the auction format as well as reselling.....Some CRAZY live auctions and sales at the good old Bullseye on Silicon Drive!!  After 5+years there a lot changed with Glen's parents health who were instrumental in that location so the bulding was sold and it was off to Prairie Ave where the business "did five years time" in quite a unique place.  (Glad to get out alive).   We survived Covid there as we then solidified our business model of Bullseye being the retail side & BumbleBee online auctions.  Some 15+years later here we are with a new lease with a building on 29th street & FULL service delivery on the online with our kids Cauy/Dylan growing into being vital parts of the business.  The ride has been one of those "never would you ever have" moments but here we are....probably the happiest and most solid we have been since starting this madness.  We sure hope you join in & snag a bargain...We have worked very hard to get here and are sure glad you stopped by!!  Thank YOU for being part of Our Story!!